Life Events…

‘Kepoh’ is a Malay word which mean busy body. Being ‘kepoh’ is not really a good habit to have but sometimes it’s just how people show their care and concern. May be it’s not the most appropriate way to do it, but at least they have a good intention. Ok, so what is the connection between the topic and ‘kepoh’ ? Hmmm, not really sure myself, but I’ll try to link it as possible I can.

Being away from home is sometimes can be a little bit depressing and never doubt that little tiny bit of depress moment can lead to huge one! I miss my family, I miss my friends. There are so many things happen over there where I’m not in the picture. I missed the events here and there, and for this first 5 months, I already missed 2 weddings and I can’t imagine how many more wedding I can’t attend. Wedding is tiring, even though it not your wedding, but it is tiring. I know and I might be crazy when I mentioned I missed the wedding. Well, even though it’s tiring, be somehow I feel good every time I’m in the ceremony. Why?

I have a big family, and during this life event most of us will gather to celebrate and help with the ceremony. Yes, I know I’m not really anticipated in the conversation with my aunties, uncles or my cousins, but seeing them talking, laughing and making jokes I really really love it. Not just because they have weird and funny voices when they laugh, but it’s the sense of being in the family. Yes, it’s not because I missed the wedding so much but more of the people and the environment, the happy faces and most importantly my family.

Friends. Yes, I missed them and their gossips. Gossip is like their food, they can never live without it. Being away from them, I’m as well deprive from their gossips. It’s not all because of that, but most importantly, I found comfort in them and can always get a support when I need one, even sometime they come in very nasty word and tone that you feel you want to slap them in the face. Even so, it’s in the most sincere way, in their own style and only then you will reflect on it. I can never be like them as they are unique in their own way.

‘Kepoh’ and Life events. Yes, you have to be ‘kepoh’ to get into other people life event especially when they are far far way from you. It’s the only way to catch up with them, and even though you can’t be in the picture, but you will always know, you’ll be forever in their heart.

Missing My Sun...

One sun shine the world,
It rise and set,
never fail.

It break the darkness,
With dawn,
As sign of a new day.

New day,
New week,
New month,
New year.

Time flow,
But some people say it fly,
Whatever it does,
It happens in one way.

People live,
People die,
But the same sun,
still shine.

One world,
Different places,
Same sun.

Where ever I'll be,
I will always missing my SUN.